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HOCl Solution will play a key role

in the future of health, hygiene

and infection control.

  • You, your children, your animals, and your surroundings will be safe in an environmentally sustainable and friendly way.


  • Safer & healthier sanitizing with the more effective Sanstiser in a shorter contact time.


  • Sanstiser won’t burn your children’s eyes or wounds. No more tears!


  • Sanstiser doesn’t hurt it heals.


  • Sanstiser is safe for people with health problems such as Asthma, Eczema, and many others health issues.


  • People who are adverse to using any products containing alcohol can feel reassured and safe that Sanstiser has zero alcohol content. 


  • You can sanitize anytime, in any area without removing food or sending your children and animals out of the room.


  • When you use foggers with nano-mist you make Sanstiser HOCl Solution even more effective and you don’t have to worry about children and animals inhaling the product. It is safe.


  • Sanstiser doesn’t need to be wiped off a sprayed or fogged area.


  • The Sanstiser bottle is elegant everywhere.



Be part of the change because, with the right knowledge, Sanstiser HOCI can change our lives.



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